Thursday, November 28, 2019

They Ask, You Answer How to Optimize Your Content for Searcher Intent

As Google’s algorithm becomes increasingly sophisticated, consumers aren’t afraid to ask complicated questions, especially with the growth of voice search. People trust Google to return quality search results, which is why it’s the go-to search engine for consumers and brands alike. Keyword optimization is still important, but optimizing content for user intent is how today’s savvy content marketers are winning online. Keyword optimization is still important, but optimizing content for user intent is how today's savvy content marketers are winning online. Click To Tweet Free Actionable Bonus: Looking to elevate your SEO strategy?We partnered with Jay Baer of Convince Convert to create this free ebook on 6 Ways to Fix Your Barebones SEO Strategy What is Searcher Intent? Searcher intent – or user intent – is the reason why someone is searching for something in a search engine. They have a question, want to buy something, or they’re searching for a specific website. Google is better than ever at determining search intent, awarding higher rankings to pages that best answer a query. This is why you should optimize content for search engines and conversions. There are three primary types of queries that define search intent: Informational. The searcher has a broad question: What are the health benefits of yoga? Transactional. The searcher is looking for a specific product or service: Buy Tesla yoga pants. Navigational. The search includes a brand name or company website: Blooming Lotus Yoga School. Transactional search intent can also be split into two secondary categories: Commercial. The searcher is in the early research phase of shopping: Online reviews for yoga pants. Local. The searcher is looking for local services or products: Yoga pants in Vancouver. How to Optimize Content for Informational Search Intent Around 80 percent of search queries have informational search intent, so even though you may be giving away â€Å"free† information, this type of content should be the backbone of your content strategy. Targeting users in the early stage of the sales cycle are crucial for driving website traffic and increasing inbound links. These links will strengthen your website authority, increasing your rankings for transactional and navigational search terms. Put the user first. Answer questions about every aspect of your business. Use analytics to discover what people are searching for before they arrive on each web page. Tweak your top landing pages to match search queries. Link to case studies and statistics to build trust. Produce a blog series that explains a topic in more detail. Include informational language in title tags and meta descriptions such as â€Å"How to,† and â€Å"What are.† Create a how-to video that is relevant to your business. Providing comprehensive informational content means consumers are more likely to remember your brand when they're ready to buy. Click To Tweet How to Optimize Content for Transactional Search Intent Optimizing pages for transactional search terms should attract more ready-to-buy prospects. These pages are closely linked to sales and key to maximizing your content marketing ROI. Provide all the information required for users to make a purchase decision. Use purchase-driven language. Include clear links to purchase pages. Use prominent calls-to-action. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions using language such as â€Å"Buy,† â€Å"Discount,† and â€Å"Best offers.† Consider pay-per-click campaigns. One study suggests that twice the number of people click on paid results over organic results for queries with high commercial intent. How to Optimize Content for Navigational Search Intent Navigational searches include a specific website, brand, or business name. This is why it’s so important to build your online presence across various online channels with content that addresses informational and transactional search intent. Consumers become familiar with your brand. List your business on all the major online business directories such as Yelp and Yellow Pages. Claim your Google My Business page. Optimize your social media profiles by including your business name, description, and a link to your website. Include your company name on product pages. Encourage team members to update their social profiles with company details and website links. How to Optimize Content for Local Search Intent While search engines personalize results pages according to a user’s location, they still need to know where your business is located. Ensure your business name, address, and location are present and consistent on every page of your site. Include your location in your homepage’s title tag. Create a dedicated landing page for your location that includes your city or state within the URL. Create a page that lists each business location with a link to Google Maps. Register your company’s Google My Business page. Link to other complimentary local businesses, government sites, news sources, and local organizations. Create more content that revolves around local issues and news. Tools to Identify Searcher Intent Keyword research is critical in identifying valuable search terms, whatever the corresponding user intent is. To discover commonly asked questions and search terms for a given subject, try the following tools: Google’s Keyword Planner Moz’s Keyword Explorer SEMrush Buzzsumo Ahrefs MarketMuse HitTail Adapt Content to Searcher Intent Intent-based optimization is the new challenge for content marketers who want to maximize their content marketing ROI. Get to know your target market. Address their needs at every point in the purchase journey. Earn their trust. Prove your relevance with informational and transactional content. When you combine these strategies, you’ll be in a great position to increase organic traffic and also your conversion rates. Do you need unique, quality content to support your SEO goals? Constant Content connects you with thousands of professional writers able to create articles, ebooks, product descriptions and other assets that engage readers while increasing search rank.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Slavery in America Essay Essay Example

Slavery in America Essay Essay Example Slavery in America Essay Essay Slavery in America Essay Essay Slavery in America Essay Thesis Introduction Slavery is a topic that has dominated the history of America throughout its first 250 years. The landowners believed to have been from the South subjected to servitude more than four million individuals shipped from the African continent to work in their farmlands. Throughout the entire period, the South Americans economic, social and economic landscape revolved around revolved around this peculiar institution, of slavery. Thus, slavery greatly shaped the American history (Acharya, Blackwell Sen, 2014). Scholars have delved into this topic and submitted volumes of research on its consequences. Nonetheless, the social scientists have expressed less interest in investigating the continued influence of slavery on contemporary issues in America and even the African Continent. This proposal, therefore, investigates the history of slavery and establishes the ways in which this history impacts contemporary society with a focus on political attitudes in South America. Essay on Slavery in America Statement of Purpose Slavery was illegalized internationally over 150 years ago. Nonetheless, its implications on the contemporary affairs have continued to be felt in the society. It is on this basis that other history scholars have referred to the aftermath as an institutional legacy. The purpose of this proposal is to investigate the history of slavery and establish the impacts that it has had on the contemporary society in South America focusing on the political attitude of the Southern whites living in regions that were largely inhabited by slaves. Literature Review While slavery began with civilization, where those defeated in wars were taken as slaves, the height of slavery took place between 1400 and 1900. This was due to slave trade where people were captured and sold off as slaves. During this period, four main slave trades took place. They were the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the trans-Saharan slave trade, the Indian Ocean slave trade, and the Red Sea Slave trade (Everett, 2014). Slaves were shipped mainly from the African continent with West Africa, Eastern Africa, and West-Central Africa being the regions that were affected the most. Historical accounts indicate that the individuals who were sold into slavery in the early slave trade were almost entirely prisoners of war. Since raids normally involved villages attacking other villages to capture slaves, this form of attaining slaves often resulted in hostile relations between villages causing conflicts between communities. However, studies on the manner of slave procurement in the 19thce ntury indicate that during this period, slaves were obtained using a number of ways. These include kidnapping, trickery, and through a judicial process. According to a study by Cooper, Holt and Scott (2014), wars accounted for 24.3 percent of slaves captured in the 19thcentury, kidnapping 40.3 percent, judicial process 16.0 percent, and trickery 19.4 percent. While slavery took place in many regions such as England, it is America that gained notoriety for slavery to the point that when slavery is discussed, it is normally discussed with reference to America. The high level of slavery in America was mainly due to agricultural and industrial revolution. In the 19thcentury, America experienced an unprecedented growth in agriculture particularly of cash crops (Cooper, Holt Scott, 2014). For example, between 1817 and 1860, cotton production in America increased from 461,000 to 4.8 million bales. This growth in cash crop farming resulted in a high demand for labor. Slavery was thereby used to provide this labor. Slaves were the most preferred source of labor because their services were for free which made agriculture a very profitable venture. The cheap labor provided by slaves increased slave trade and slavery in the 19thcentury. Although most of the slave owners had less than ten slaves under their ownership, many of the slaves lived together on plantations in groups that comprised of twenty or more individuals. In spite of the forceful persistence by whites that slaves were barbarians, the presence of large groups of these slaves allowed for a steady formation of a distinctive African-American culture. According to Everett, (2014), white people enjoyed the music, dancing, and stories by slaves even though they failed to recognize the slave culture as a legitimate culture. Most slave owners also encouraged their slaves to marry. According to Cooper, Holt and Scott (2014), they believed that allowing slaves to have families made them docile and thereby less inclined to escape or rebel. However, the stability of most slave families was disrupted constantly through sexual abuse, violence, and separation carried out by masters. While slaves brought to America arrived with different languages, cultural practices, and religions, they shared common modes of cultural expression and understanding that formed the basis of a common culture (Everett, 2014). In addition, tied together with a common cord of slavery, slaves strove together to develop strategies that would enable them to live satisfactorily. Using their African heritage, slaves developed their own values and way of life. Slave Revolt Although slaves tried to adapt to the harsh conditions that they were subjected by their masters, in some cases the conditions became too harsh prompting slaves to revolt. Some of the notable slave revolts include the one led by Gabriel Prosser in 1800 in regions of Richmond and Denmark Vesey in the year 1822 in Charleston. However, few of the slave revolts achieved any notable success. The slave revolt which terrified white slaveholders the most was the one led by Nat Turner in August 1831 in Virginia. Turners group which numbered about 75 blacks killed 60 white people in two days before being overwhelmed by armed resistance from local white people and state militia forces. According to Everett, (2014), the rebellion by Turner made supporters of slavery claimthat the rebellion was evidence of black peoples inherent savagery and that slavery was needed to discipline black people. The fear of similar revolutions made many southern states, where slavery was prevalent, to tighten their slave codes that limited slave education, assembly, and movement.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Native American Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Native American Art - Essay Example In addition to this unity of rhythm in both artistic products, each seemed to have an overarching, celestial quality overlaid upon the foundation rhythm. In the Friendship Dance, this is accomplished by the various vocal tones produced by the singers. The austerity of the rock arts basic geometric shapes is likewise raised to a different plain by embellishments of a more abstract nature. These include sweeping arches over the heads of characters and lines that could almost be described as suggesting movement of the figures. One difference between the two media is their feeling of accessibility. For me personally, the Friendship Dance seemed to be inviting me to come and join in some sort of festivity. The rhythm of the drums and the vocals, although foreign to my ear and understanding, sounded inviting and welcoming. On the other hand, the rock art was a wonder to behold, but seemed very cold to me. It did not make me feel as though I would ever be a part of the world that it was depicting. While I appreciated the nature of the art, I came away feeling as though you really had to be a Native American to really â€Å"get† what the rock art was all about. On the other hand, I felt that the Friendship Dance had the ability to communicate across cultural